Lets share love

How ? copy url of this blog and share in your social network :) simple

Lets share love

How ? copy url of this blog and share in your social network :) simple

Sunday, September 20, 2015

How to Add Nepali Unicode Tool to Your Website

This is very simple.

1. put this code in head of html file.

<script src="nepali.js"></script>

 Download nepali.js here.

2. Now put this code in body where you want to place box for unicode conversion.

<form name="unicode">
<textarea onkeyup="conversion();" name="nepbox" rows="15" cols="60"></textarea>

And its done.

If you need to download it whole. here is the link. Click Here to Download

Thursday, September 17, 2015

How to use SSH keys with Putty in Digital Ocean

What is SSH keys

SSH keys serve as a means of identifying yourself to an SSH server using public-key cryptography and challenge-response authentication. One immediate advantage this method has over traditional password authentication is that you can be authenticated by the server without ever having to send your password over the network. Anyone eavesdropping on your connection will not be able to intercept and crack your password because it is never actually transmitted. Additionally, using SSH keys for authentication virtually eliminates the risk posed by brute-force password attacks by drastically reducing the chances of the attacker correctly guessing the proper credentials.

What is Putty 

PuTTY is a free and open-source terminal emulatorserial console and network file transfer application. It supports several network protocols, including SCPSSHTelnetrlogin, and raw socket connection. It can also connect to a serial port(since version 0.59). The name "PuTTY" has no definitive meaning.

How to set up SSH keys 

While it is possible to manage your servers using password-based logins, it is often a better idea to set up and utilize SSH key pairs. SSH keys are more secure than passwords, and can help you log in without having to remember long passwords.

For Windows users, a piece of software called PuTTY is typically used to create SSH sessions which allow you to connect to your server. This same suite of programs can be used to generate SSH keys and remember which keys should be used to connect with your servers.

How SSH Key Pairs Work

SSH key pairs are used as an authentication method by creating two related keys.
The first key is called a private key. The private key is a secret key that is owned and kept safe by the user who creates it. It is used to identify you and is kind of like the wax seals that used to be used to seal letters. It can be used to prove that a connection is legitimately coming from you.
You should not let anyone have your private key, because the other person could then masquerade as you and log into any accounts you have configured with your key. If you need to share access, there are better ways.
The other key is called the public key. This key is veritably associated with your private key. The difference is that you can freely share this key with anyone around the internet.
The only thing that someone else can do with this key is allow you to log into their machine. This is what we will be configuring in this guide, by creating our new servers with our public key already included.
You can download it here :

Friday, September 11, 2015

XAMPP, Apache - Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly

Today morning i got this error after installing Skype in my windows. I do not use Skype so i had not installed it earlier. So after Skype installation i got this problem. This happens because Skype by default use same port that Apache uses.

error shows like this:

16:50:25 [Apache] Status change detected: running 16:50:26 [Apache] Status change detected: stopped 16:50:26 [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly. 16:50:26 [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies, 16:50:26 [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method. 16:50:26 [Apache] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check 16:50:26 [Apache] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues 16:50:26 [Apache] If you need more help, copy and post this 16:50:26 [Apache] entire log window on the forums

Now go to Skype
Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Connection.
Disable the "Use port 80 and 443 for alternatives for incoming connections"
Sign out Skype and restart it.